Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Studying the Currents with Professor from FIU

Although all of our shoots are always fun and exciting in their own ways; we learned they can also be very educational too! Our own Felipe Marrou recently was able to capture the study of currents with one of FIU's professors on a helicopter. The aerial shots came out wonderful, and we all know that Felipe would rather be flying than even be on land!

Here are some photos from the shoot:

The helicopter for the shoot

Felipe Marrou getting ready to go

Flying over the water
(Left: DP Felipe Marrou         Right: Dr. John R. Fletemeyer)

The view over Miami
Felipe is always ready to fly

Dr. John R. Fletemeyer trying to find the perfect spot to start shooting

The currents along the beach...

And such a great day to shoot!

So that's it for now, keep checking for more updates to come!
Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bacon for the Soul

Interested in how many ways you can add bacon to your meals to give it that extra kick of taste? We certainly were willing to try every sample while on set with cook extraordinaire Rebecca Rincon! Each meal was better than the one before, who knew?!

Here are some production photos:

Cook Rebecca Rincon preparing one of the meals.

Everything was so delicious!

Producer Lucy Pereda assisting with the preparations.

Director of Photography Felipe Marrou capturing the cooking.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

All In The Same Boat: Stories of Breast Cancer Survivors

**News Update : 12/14/09**
NETA is the national distributor for All In The Same Boat: Stories of Breast
Cancer Survivors. Feed dates are: Sunday, December 13, 2009 @ 1800-1830
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 1430-1500. Call your local PBS station and ask
them to pick up the feed so friend and family in another states can watch.

Hi again everyone! Although this documentary was filmed a while back, with the release of it in October on WLRN, it has touched many lives as we expected it would. Producer Shirley Ravachi shared this email written by Sharon Harvey Rosenberg (former Miami Herald writer who now is Senior Writer in Baptist Health) that we felt needed to be shared with all our friends.

"Here are just 10 Things I Loved, Loved, Loved About the Dragon Boat Story:
 1. The photography: The Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau should have underwritten the feature because the documentary is like a postcard advertisement for the region. The sunlit water, the beautiful causeway shots, the pink carnations in the water: Amazing!!
 2. Martha Martin: Whenever I saw you on the screen -- rowing, exercising or waving -- I felt so happy and proud. You look amazing. Go Martha! Go Martha!
3. The importance of exercise: The video does a credible and incredible job of showcasing the beauty, benefits and healing power of exercise.
 4. Shirley Ravachi...wonderful story and narration. Does she record voiceovers for a living?
5. Individual stories: The vignettes about the different women: Shirley, Kim, Bernie, Marie and Gillian are brilliant. The diversity in ages, ethnic background and storyline really touches the heart and spirit.  The storyline is educational and heartfelt.
 6. Harry, the marine. We all need a Harry in our lives. What a drill sergeant, what a heart. It's was great when he said: "I don't see breast cancer survivors, but competitive women."
7. Team sport: The dragon boat provided such a great metaphor about survival, therapy and support. The line: "It's like a floating support group," could apply to so many situations in life, but it means so much in the context of education about breast cancer survival.
 8. The empowerment: The water, the exercise and the dragon of cancer represented the challenges, setbacks and the demons that could wash over us, but SOS dragon boat team demonstrated the tools, the therapy and the technique for facing the turbulence of life.
 9.The meditation: The spiritual aspect of the dragonboat showed how life, sports and friends offer tools for meditation, reflection and renewal. I loved the flower and candle moments of the documentary.
 10. The education: I felt educated on so many fronts: My emotional intelligence, awareness and health IQ were all uplifted from watching All In The Same Boat. "

Here are some production photos from this project:

Felipe Marrou filming in front of Baptist Hospital

SOS Crew hard at work

All the SOS Girls together

Producer Shirley Ravachi in her Breast Awareness Best

SOS Dragon Boating

Producer Shirley Ravachi & Director of Photography Felipe Marrou
getting ready to do aerial shots for the documentary.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cessna 150 152 Club 2009 Fly In (Clinton, Iowa)

Good Morning Friends! Recently our own Felipe Marrou traveled to Clinton, Iowa for their Cessna 150-152 Club Fly In. He had the privilege of filming and editing this wonderful event for all the members and Cessna fans alike.


Here are some production photos from the event:

Aerial Photo Clinton Airport, Iowa

Ed Pataky giving directions during contest.

Felipe Marrou covering the event

Left: Royson Parsons (club founder) Right: Felipe Marrou (shooting formation flying)

Pilot Sandra Krier from Florida flying her Cessna 150
Planes taxiing in for contest

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kleinert's Shoot 11/18/09

Hello friends! We just finished shooting and editing infomercials for Kleinert's products. The whole production was a great success! These webisodes will be featured on Kleinert's website.

Here are some production photos from the shoot: